Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Will I be able to ride in a balloon during the event?
A: Yes, since the number of rides we are able to offer each day depends on the weather; we only have rides available for purchase the day-of the event. There are two options:
- Tethered Rides – We have multiple balloons that will be offering rides during the event and run until it is too breezy or too warm to safely carry passengers or there is no longer enough fuel to continue operations.
To ride, get in designated line; you can pay with cash or credit card when you arrive at the front. The ride lasts a few minutes. Children under 10 must be accompanied by an adult.
Minimum age of a rider is up to the discretion of the pilot, as they are responsible for passenger safety. You may ask the crew of the specific balloon you wish to ride, if your child is approved by the pilot to ride - Instant Sponsorship – Part of an instant sponsorship includes a full ride in a hot air balloon. Wave to thousands of your new closest friends as you lift off during the event. You can even help out the crew when you land if you wish. Availability in the balloons is very limited so listen for the announcer to say how many spots have opened up; the first people to the sponsor booth near the stage will be able to take the spot. Instant sponsorships are $300, cash and credit card accepted. We are a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit and your instant sponsorship is a donation to keep the event running.
Q: I did not receive/can't find my tickets in my email
A: The tickets are coming from Most people who are unable to find their tickets; their email system has put it into the junk/spam folder. Check there. If you are still not able to find it, there may be a typo in your email address. We can look up your tickets by you name on the way into the event
Q: May I use my ticket for either day of the event?
A: Yes, the regular event ticket is valid for either Saturday or Sunday, whichever day works best for you, but it can only be used on one of those days.
VIP tickets are listed for Saturday or Sunday as VIP space is extremely limited, please select the specific day you plan to attend. If you need to switch, you may contact us.
Q: May I take photos?
A: Certainly yes! The balloons provide an amazing photo opportunity that provide extremely colorful photos. If you have any great photos you want to share please do so:
Facebook: /SonomaCountyBalloons
Twitter: /SonomaBalloons
Instagram: #SCHABC
Q: May I bring my dog to the event?
A: Sorry, No dogs or other animals are allowed into the event due to health department regulations. Service dogs will be allowed except on the launch field.
Q: Is the event really that early in the morning?
A: Yes, we know it is an early event. Balloons can only launch with light winds, enough visibility, and they will not have enough lift once it gets warm enough during the day. In Sonoma County this means our cool calm mornings are perfect. It may be tough to roll out of bed for the 5 AM dawn patrol/glow show or event the 6: 30 AM main launch but everyone who makes it out soon learns it is well worth it once a year. There will be plenty of food and drink vendors at the event to help east that early rise.
Q: Should I bring a blanket or chairs to sit on?
A: Yes, the morning dew can sometimes mean damp grass on the launch field, so you are welcome to bring blankets to sit on. You may bring chairs; but not onto the launch field. If you are sitting on the launch field be prepared to move to allow a balloon crew room to launch a balloon.
Q: May my baby / child take a tethered ride?
A: Pilots are responsible for the safety of their riders and balloon baskets have a variety of configurations. We do not set hard limits on who can ride, that is up to the pilot to determine who s/he can safely take up. Please ask the volunteers selling the tickets at the front of the line for the tethered rides if your child is OK for this balloon.
Q: Is the event handicap accessible?
A: Yes, we have handicap parking, wheelchair ramps, and the event takes place on flat ground. Not all balloon baskets have a wheelchair access door.
Q: May I bring in food and drinks?
A: Yes, but per facility requirements, no glass containers. Please keep the site clean and toss all trash / recycling / biodegradable material in the appropriate containers. Security will check bags for banned items so please bring clear bags to speed entrance into the event
Q: How does weather affect hot air balloons?
A: As with any aircraft weather affects when it is safe to fly hot air balloons, they rely on calm cool weather to be able to safely fly. Most hot air balloon events and rides are held early in the morning because this is the ideal time for calm and cool air. We have a safety officer on-site as well as FFA officials who maintain contact with local air traffic control and weather stations to sure it is safe to fly. If the weather is not quote right we will attempt to wait 30-60 minutes to see if conditions improve.
- Heat: The warmer the outside air (surrounding the balloon) the less lift the balloon receives.
What this means for the event: Once we get late into the morning tethered rides will need to cease operations because they will not be able to safely lift passengers. - Fog: Balloon rely on Visual Flight Rules (VFR) to fly, they need to be able to see above/around them to safely avoid obstructions and other aircraft
What this means for the event: If there is fog the balloons will not be able to take off. They may be able to stand up to put on a great show and tethered rides may be able to happen. Inflating is up the each pilot if they feel it is safe to fly. - Wind: Hot air balloons fly with the wind, this are also very large which means they are very big sails. If the wind is more than a few miles per hour or unpredictable they can not fly. If the wind at the surface level is calm it may be much higher above the tree tops, the pilots release a helium balloon before launch to get an extremely localized report on winds at the launch sight. They also rely on weather reports to estimate safe landing locations and how winds will behave for a safe landing.What this means for the event: Strong wind higher up but calm ground level will prevent launching balloons and possibly tethered ride operations. Windy or unpredictable winds near the ground will cause a safety issues for the pilots, crew, and spectators. A gust of wind can catch a balloon and drag it or blow it into trees, people, or other objects. Inflating is up the each pilot if they feel it is safe to fly.
- Rain: Rain during the event time will prevent any flight or inflation. Wet balloons cause an integrity issue for the hot air balloons as well as a possibility of burners not being able to stay lit
What this means for the event: Rain will prevent most portions of the event from happening. We select a time a year when rain is extremely rare. We have event had a year where rain happened just a few hours before the event but ceased in time to still hold the event.Pilots and SCHABC volunteers will make every effort to put on as much of the event as possible with the weather conditions provided. We can not control the weather but will do our best to hold alternate activities at our disposal: cold inflate, photo opportunities, talking with the pilots, trying out the burner on the balloon…
Q: May I use my drone at the event?
A: No, the event is an FAA restricted airspace. Drones may not be flown.